πŸ”– The 12 Rules for Life - Shorts

In this extraordinary book, one of the world's most provocative thinkers gives us twelve profound and straightforward principles for how to live a good life.

πŸ”– The 12 Rules for Life - Shorts
Photo by Shiromani Kant / Unsplash
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Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life: An antidote to chaos.
If you're willing to read this book Summaries it's here. The 12 Rules for Life

12 Rules For Life discusses how modern society is chaotic. A lot of people are looking for happiness without the foundation for it. Peterson claims this foundation comes from meaning. This meaning can only come from within and not from other sources.

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Once you've got your house in order, you can start to make an active difference. Peterson's 12 rules for living will help you live with greater satisfaction and meaning.

  1. You should stand up straight with your shoulders back, not slumped. Your wellbeing depends on it.
  2. Treat yourself as you would someone you were responsible for helping.
  3. The best way to have better relationships is to have friends who are trying to help you.
  4. Compare your current productivity to yesterday's. Don't let yourself fall victim to comparing yourself with what others are achieving today.
  5. Your children will do things that may make you dislike them, but it is important not to let those things change your love for them.
  6. Before you judge others, try to create a more fair & equal world for everyone.
  7. Pursue what you really want to do (not what you should do)
  8. Tell the truth, make sure you don’t lie.
  9. Always keep in mind that the person you're listening to could know more than you do.
  10. Be precise in your speech
  11. Skateboarding is fun, but it can also be dangerous. It's important to respect riders and not bother them when they're out on the street
  12. It's a good idea to keep your distance if you don't want to be mistaken for a potential threat.
If you're willing to read this book, it's here. The 12 Rules for Life

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